This article is about currency configuration in Gatekeeper, including Reporting Currency setup & modification.
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Why are Currencies Important?
You may have contracts with Vendors in currencies outside of your native coin. Currency Management is the area of the Gatekeeper interface where you can configure your Reporting Currency, all other available contract currencies, and exchange rates that can be manually set.
Once the data is configured to meet your business needs, Gatekeeper offers powerful reporting across all of your contract values in your native currency to make your life easier.
Manage Currencies
To access and edit currency information stored in Gatekeeper:
- From the navigation menu, expand the Settings option then click Configuration.
- Click Currency.
Note: Users require the Administrator Role and Settings Additional Permission to manage currencies.
From here, you can view the current settings and make any necessary changes. Keep in mind that your screen may only have one currency listed under Your Currencies if no other currencies have been added to Gatekeeper.
Select Your Reporting Currency
Under Your Reporting Currency, any currency that you’ve configured can be chosen as the currency for displaying all your reports. To make a change, select the desired currency from the dropdown list and click Save.

Note: Prior to adding any currencies, you’ll only be able to see the one initially chosen to display for reporting when your Gatekeeper tenant was first created.
Add Additional Currencies
To add new currencies:
- Click Add Currency.
- A new row will then appear at the bottom of your currency list. Search for and select the name of the currency you want to add.
- Enter the exchange rate by specifying how many units of the selected currency equal one unit of your reporting currency.
- Click Save.
Note: As the exchange rate is set manually, it is fixed and does not update automatically. It's recommended to use a spot exchange rate provided by your organisation's finance team, or use to view historical and current exchange rates.
Edit Existing Currencies
To make changes to your existing currencies:
- Click the pencil icon on the relevant currency
- Update the values then click Save, or,
- click the delete icon.
Contract Currency
Each contract will show the contract value in the currency selected for that contract record. This will display the currency code next to the Contract Annual Values to avoid any confusion between the overall reporting currency and the contract's currency being shown.
In contrast, the list view will show the value in the reporting currency rather than the contract's original currency to allow for easy comparison and filtering.