Configure the Vendor Portal

This article will outline the steps required to configure the Vendor Portal.

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Sections in this article:

For an introduction to the Vendor Portal, see the Vendor Portal Overview.

Enable the Vendor Portal

  1. From the navigation menu, expand the Modules option and click Vendor Portal.
    vendor portal menu
  2. Enable the VENDOR PORTAL toggle.

Access the Vendor Portal

Within the Vendor Portal Configuration section you will see a link. This URL will redirect Vendor Portal Users to the Vendor Portal when they enter this address into their web browser.

vendor portalURL-1


Enable 2 Factor Authentication

By enabling the 2 Factor Authentication, your Vendor Users will be required to login with their email and password, as well as a one-time passcode.

  1. Enable the 2 FACTOR AUTHENTICATION toggle. 
  2. Input the Timeframe in Days which will specify how often Vendor Users must complete the 2FA when logging into the portal.
  3. Click Save Setting

When logging in, Vendor Users will see the following 2FA verification screen prompting them to enter the one-time passcode which is sent through their email.


Configure the Vendor Portal

Add an Administrator

You can grant an Internal user Administrator rights to the Vendor Portal, allowing them to configure settings. 

Note: Only Global Collaborators and Global Administrators can be selected to be Vendor Portal Administrators

To do this:
  1. Click Add Administrator.add administrator
  2. Select the user from the dropdown list.

You can grant Administration rights to the Vendor Portal to as many internal users as needed by repeating this process.

Once you have granted a user Administrator rights, they will display in the Vendor Portal Administrators section. Click the delete icon if you wish to revoke a user's administrator privileges.

vendor portal users

Edit the Name

You may wish to edit the name of the Vendor Portal to something that is more relevant to its use case within your organisation (i.e. You may wish to rename from Supplier Portal to Vendor Portal, or another name that matches your organisation's naming convention). To do this:

  1. From the navigation menu, expand the Settings option, then click Configuration.
    Gatekeeper 2020-01-16 15-21-05
  2. Click Navigation, Charts & Email.
  3. Expand the 3 dots on the Supplier field and select Edit.
    edit label
  4. Enter the label, then click Save to confirm the changes.
The changes will apply across all areas of Gatekeeper as well as the Vendor Portal.

Customise the Vendor Portal Invitation

You can change the default message that is sent with the Vendor Portal Invitation email:

To do this, watch the demonstration video or follow the below steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, expand the Modules option and click Vendor Portal.
  2. Scroll to the Vendor Invite Message section.
  3. Amend the message as required, then click Save Message.

You can further tailor this message on an individual basis at the point of sending out an invite.

Note: It is also possible to customise the branding and logo of your Vendor Portal Invitation Message. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Additional Reading