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Workflow Notifications - Markdown & Dynamic Content

Markdown is a simple markup language you can use to easily add formatting, links, and images to a Workflow Notification. It can also be used to add Dynamic Content.

Please refer the Markdown Cheat Sheet for a quick markdown reference.

Basic - Gatekeeper-Specific Markdown (Variables & Formatting)


(i) - Link here


The above formatting may not appear in emails as it does in Gatekeeper. Businesses with stringent mailbox security settings may only allow plaintext to be received in emails. Please bear this in mind when drafting email templates.

Advanced - Conditional Logic Markdown

A notification using conditional logic for approval/rejection/other transitions

This can be used when there are several scenarios preceding a certain phase on a workflow.
For example, if a user receives a contract to review because a team later on in the workflow has sent it back to them (perhaps during a rejection), they will need to be given different information than if the contract has been passed to them for the first time.
These conditional statements can be configured using any of the boolean expressions from the above table.

Entered Text | Example 1 - "If" scenarios

Dynamic Markdown Content - Google Docs 2019-05-31 14-43-38

Published Text | Example 1 - "If" scenarios

(What the recipient sees in the case of an Approval)

Dear John Smith

A contract request has been approved by the Vendor Management team and is ready for legal sign-off

Kind Regards,
Gatekeeper Support Team

(What the recipient sees in the case of a Rejection)

Dear John Smith

A contract request has been rejected by the Executive team and requires legal review

For more information, please contact Jane Smith

Their comments were: You seem to have put an extra few zeros on a price

Kind Regards,
Gatekeeper Support Team

Entered Text | Example 2 - "If-else" scenarios

Dynamic Markdown Content - Google Docs 2019-05-31 16-14-05

Published Text | Example 2 - "If-else" scenarios

(What the recipient sees in the case of a Rejection)

Dear John Smith

A contract request has been rejected by Jane Smith

Their comments were: This doesn't fit our budget

Please prepare the record for off-boarding

Kind Regards,

Gatekeeper Support Team

(What the recipient sees in the case any other transitions)

Dear John Smith

A workflow form has been sent to you by Jane Smith

Please review & update as needed

Kind Regards,

Gatekeeper Support Team

Other resources

For the initial setup instructions of Workflow Notifications - see this article

For a GitHub sheet of other markdown formatting options - see this article from above