Add a Contract via the User Interface

This article will describe the initial steps of adding a contract record to your repository.

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This article covers the steps for creating contract records using Gatekeeper's user interface. 

Note:  Only users with the Administrator role can add contracts directly via the user interface. Read User Management Definitions to learn more about user permissions.

Create a Contract Record

To create a new contract record:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Contracts.
  2. Click Add, then select Contract.

This will create a blank contract record for you to populate. Once you are happy with the data in each section, click Save & Next to move on.

Note:  Users require the Administrator Role, the All Permission, and the Configuration Additional Permission to complete these steps. Read User Management Definitions to learn more about user permissions.

Add Core Contract Data

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In the Contract Data section, several core data fields need to be populated to create a Contract record:

Field Description
Contract Name The title of the contract.
Supplier/Vendor Name of the Vendor linked to the Contract. Only one supplier/vendor can be associated with the contract.
Currency Select from the pre-configured currencies (read Configuring Currencies for further details). Only one currency can be used per contract.
Annual Value The expected annual value of the contract.
Status Select from:
  • Pipeline - A Contract that has not yet been executed
  • Live - An executed Contract that has not surpassed its End Date
  • Archived - A Contract that has surpassed its End Date and is no longer required
Contract Type The generic type of contract used, e.g. Master Services Agreement, Non-disclosure Agreement

Select from: 

  • Request Approval
  • Awaiting Approval
  • Approved
  • Rejected
Category This represents the broad range of services being provided by this Contract. E.g. IT Hardware.
Entity The internal Legal Entity that the Contract relates to
Team The internal Team that owns this Contract

Read the  Core Data Model Table for further details of each field

In addition, two non-mandatory fields are available to capture additional information:

  • Internal Reference
  • Description 

If you have already set up some Custom Data Fields, they will be made available to you to populate at this stage. 

Contract Dates

Gatekeeper 2020-05-26 17-03-40In this section, you can populate key dates for the contract:

Field Description
Start Date The commencement date of the contractual agreement.
End Date The expiration date of a contract.
Evergreen If the agreement does not have an expiration date, select the checkbox to indicate Evergreen status.
Notice Period Date The date on which notice must be provided to alter/exit the contractual agreement.
Rolling Days Notice Rolling number of days needed to give notice to terminate, e.g. on any date, we must provide 30 days' notice.

The following fields are mutually exclusive:

  • End Date and Evergreen
  • Notice Period Date and Rolling Days
Therefore, users can only select one for each. 

For further details, read Contract Dates.


Gatekeeper 2020-05-26 17-06-14Contract Owners are used to identify key people relating to the contract:

  • Internal Owner - The internal Subject Matter Expert of the contract within your business
  • Supplier/Vendor Owner - The main point of contact within the supplier/vendor's business

See our Configuring Additional Owners for details on adding additional owner fields against contracts (e.g. IT Owner, or, Procurement Owner).

RAG Status

Gatekeeper 2020-05-26 17-05-49Apply a Red, Amber, or Green status to the contract and add a description to explain the rationale behind the decision.  This can be used to track a contract's performance over time.

For example. A Red Status might signify breaches in service level agreements, an Amber Status could indicate minor issues in meeting contractual obligations, and a Green Status would represent excellent service and delivery standards.


Gatekeeper 2020-05-26 17-04-18Selecting auto-archive will automatically change the Status of a contract record to Archived once they have surpassed their end date. The contract owner can also be notified ahead of the date if required.

For an automated process, please reach out to your CSM or AE to create a managed Workflow for dealing with Contract Renewal


Relationships allow you to link the contract record to an existing contract record within Gatekeeper, with the additional options to indicate a Parent or Child relationship. For example, a Master Services Agreement may be linked to one of many Statements of Work. 

To add a relationship:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Search for and select the contract you wish to link to. 
  3. Select the Relationship Type
    1. If you selected Linked, enter a Description if required.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all contracts than need to be linked, then click Save & Next or Save & Exit.

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The hierarchical relationships will then display from the contract record's Data tab. Click the links to navigate between contract and supplier records. 

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Custom Data

Custom data allows you to collect and organise data that is specific to your business, for example you may want to track materiality assessments, information security, or any other critical metrics.

For further details on setting these up, see Configuring Custom Data.

Any data that is a custom field can be identified by the additional plus symbol on the icon:Monosnap New Contract | Gatekeeper 2025-02-04 11-25-40

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