This article walks you through the steps of contract record creation using our AI Extract™ feature. Additionally, this article will outline the steps required to trigger a workflow based off an extracted contract.
In this article:
- How do I upload a document to AI Extract™?
- How do I create a contract record using AI Extract™?
- How do I cancel or save a draft of the extracted metadata?
- Where do I find a record of documents that have gone through AI Extract™?
- What do I do when a document fails to process?
- How do I configure a Workflow to trigger on extracted contracts?
If you haven't already enabled the AI Extract™ feature, click here to get started. Once enabled, you'll see the AI Extract menu option within the left-side navigation panel.
User Permissions
The AI Extract feature is available for users whose User Permissions are set as:
Role = Administrator
Role Permission = All
Please see the User Management Definitions article for further information.
File limitations
The file type of all files must be .pdf
Ensure the file size is less than 50MB.
You can upload a maximum of 10 documents at once.
How do I upload a document to AI Extract™?
To add a document for analysis, click AI Extract™ from the left-side navigation panel. You can then drag and drop your documents directly to AI-Extract!
Once uploaded, the document will automatically go through three stages of the AI Extract™ process before the contract record can be verified and created:
1. Processing
2. Ready for review
3. completed
It will take a few minutes for the system to receive the document, capture the plain text, and then analyse all content to extract key metadata items. For each uploaded file, you'll receive an email confirmation letting you know once the analysis is complete.
How do I create a contract record using AI Extract™?
When a contract reaches the 'Ready for Review' phase, you can select the card to begin the record creation process.
The extracted contract metadata can then be compared against the document and existing field list values when applicable, with the option to add new values inline as needed.
On the right side of the screen, you'll see a copy of your uploaded document, with extracted metadata available for comparison. On the left side of the screen, there is a 'Create Contract' area that allows for confirmation or update of the extracted details.
An optional viewing sidebar tray can be shown to help quickly navigate multiple page PDF documents - by clicking within the preview pane and then pressing F4 on your keyboard;
Ensure that all mandatory contract metadata fields have been extracted correctly from the uploaded document or entered manually in the Create Contract column before clicking the green Create Contract button at the bottom of the page. To streamline this process in the future, be sure to utilise AI Train™ for Entity and Contract Type. To find out more about AI Train™, click here.
After clicking Create Contract, the system will automatically create a Contract record using the extracted metadata and navigate to the corresponding record within the Contract's repository. The contract document will also be directly attached to the record and viewable from the Files menu.
The file will be assigned the [Master Record] label, this is to signify that it was this specific file that went through AI Extract™ and was used to create the original Contract Record.
How do I cancel or save a draft of the extracted metadata?
At the Create Contract stage, you'll have the option to click Cancel, which leaves the file in the AI Analysed stage or you can select Save as Draft to come back to it later.
Any saved drafts will be available to edit from the Ready for Review phase of AI Extract.
Where do I find a record of documents that have gone through AI Extract™?
After the contract record has been created, key information will be accessible from the AI Extracted menu option.
What do I do when a document fails to process?
If a file fails to process once uploaded to AI Extract, you will receive a notification email with more information and a status link.
Clicking the link provided will open a new tab with a summary inside Gatekeeper. For example, a file may be too large to process with a plain text file size beyond 102400 bytes.
If this is the case, please follow the steps below to create a contract record within Gatekeeper and upload the file:
1. Navigate to the "Contracts" area from the left-side menu
2. Then click the green "ADD" button and select "Contract"
3. Complete all necessary information on the Contract Data tab before selecting "Save & Next". When done, click "Save & Exit".
For more information on contract creation in Gatekeeper, click here.
4. Once the contract record has been successfully created, the document can be added after choosing the Files tab.
5. Click the green "ADD" button and select the "File" option.
6. Choose one of the file attachment options and be sure to click "Add this file" when done.
7. Indicate the contract file as a Master Record after clicking on the menu (three dots) next to the document. Then choose the "Edit" option.
8. Simply check the box labelled "Master Record" and then click "Update"
Indicating a document as the "Master Record" will ensure that it displays on the contract record's preview panel within the Data tab.
For more details about adding Files in Gatekeeper, click here. For more information about indicating and viewing Master Records, check out this article.
How do I configure a Workflow to trigger extracted contracts?
Once a Contract has completed the AI Extraction process, you may find that there is more information needed regarding this contract. Perhaps you would like to perform an additional review to ensure AI Extracted data accuracy, or you would like to complete additional fields that are not yet supported in the extraction process.
This configuration will allow a workflow to trigger based on any contract extracted through AI Extract, and this use case can be incorporated into any new or existing contract-based workflows.
1. Navigate to the "Workflows" area from the left-side menu and open your contract-based workflow
2. Select the first phase of the workflow
3. Select Form Access (ensure you are in the first phase)
3. Tick the 'Create Card from Contract' option
When AI Extract successfully completes an extraction of data, a card will now be created within the workflow.
If you require further assistance, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or engage our Global Support Team.