AI Extract - Custom Data Extraction

This article will walk you through how to use AI Extract to extract your custom fields from your contracts.

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AI Extract allows you to extract custom fields directly from your contracts. This simplifies contract creation by automatically populating fields for you with extracted information.

Configure Custom Data Fields to Extract Data

  1. From the navigation menu, expand the Settings option, then click Configuration.
  2. Click Custom Data.
  3. If you have an existing custom data group, click to access it, otherwise add a new custom data group. For a refresher on how to create custom data groups and custom fields, refer to the Configure Custom Data article.
  4. Select the Extract Data checkbox.
    1. If an AI extract field with the same name already exists, Gatekeeper will notify you.
  5. If required, add Custom AI Instructions (prompts) to provide AI with context. This is used to provide brief context to help AI extract find the data you need, but this is only required if the field name is ambiguous. See AI Prompt Library for further details.
  6. Complete the optional fields as needed, then click Save.

AI Extract supports the extraction of the following custom field types from contracts:

  • Dropdown list
  • Multi-line text
  • Single line text
  • Integer
  • Date
  • Yes/No
  • Dependent fields (fields based on answer Yes/No)

Custom Data Field - AI Extract

Create a Contract with Extracted Custom Data Fields

  1. From the navigation menu, click AI Extract.
    1. As your extraction preferences are being processed, you will see a notification at the top of your AI Extract page.

  2. Upload your document to AI Extract. For a refresher on how to create contracts using AI Extract, refer to Create Contracts Using AI Extract.
  3. Click the contract that is Ready for Review. Here, you'll see the regular extracted core data at the top, as well as an AI Extract Custom Fields section.
  4. Click to expand the AI Extract Custom Fields section to view all the extracted custom data fields from the uploaded contract.
  5. Click to expand the Owners and RAG Status sections and complete the fields manually.
  6. Click Create Contract.

Note: Any items with the green sparkle icon to the right indicates that the data came from extracted contract data. 

AI Prompt Library

The Custom AI Instructions are used to provide context to help AI extract find the data you need. 

Note: When the custom field name is clear and specific, for example Data Protection Clause Present, you do not need to provide additional instructions. Guidance is only necessary if the field name is ambiguous.

For best results, avoid including the field name or phrases like Search for in the instructions; AI Extract is already configured to identify the field, and extra prompts may hinder accurate data extraction. The following table is a collection of possible custom fields, custom field types, and custom AI instructions to help you get started:

Custom Field Example

Custom Field Type

Prompt Suggestion

Data Protection Clause Multi-line text Full Data Protection Clause
Payment terms Dropdown list, single pick. (Options: 10 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days) Payment due period (in days)
Intellectual Property Rights Clause Multi-line text Full Intellectual Property Rights Clause
Governing Law Single-line text Governing law region or country
Jurisdiction Legal Authority Single-line text Specific court or legal body authorised to handle disputes
Non-Compete Clause Multi-line text Full Non Compete Clause
Non-Solicit Clause Multi-line text Full Non Solicit Clause
Retention Period for auditing purposes Integer Years contract is retained for auditing purposes
Payment Due Date Date Find a specific payment due date
Force Majeure Clause Multi-line text Full Force Majeure Clause
Indemnification Clause Multi-line text Full Indemnification Clause