This article covers how Enterprise customers can brand the Gatekeeper tenant.
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes
Sections in this article:
Update Branding Settings
For Enterprise customers, it's possible to brand your tenant with your own colour scheme and logos in order to enhance user adoption.
This article highlights the areas you can edit within the main application, and the Employee/Vendor Portals. To update these settings:
- From the navigation menu, click Branding.
- Amend the settings as required by:
- Updating the colours by entering the hex code or using the colour picker.
- Uploading logos.
- Entering custom welcome messages
- Updating the colours by entering the hex code or using the colour picker.
- Once finished, click Save.
Click Reset colors to return your tenant to the default branding colours.
The following sections illustrate how the settings apply to your tenant.
Note: If you do not see the Branding option in the navigation menu, reach out to Support or your Customer Success Manager.
Welcome Message
You can update the welcome message text that appears on the login page for the Vendor Portal and Employee Portal. This can be the same for both, or configured separately.
Employee and Vendor Portal Colours
The following elements of the Employee and Vendor Portal login screen can be edited:
- Header Colour
- Header Text Colour
- Footer Colour
- Main Area Colour
- Content Colour
- Sign In/Sign Out Buttons Colour
- Register Button Colour (This is only for the Vendor Portal)
You can apply the same colours for both portals, or you can configure these independently.
Navigation Menu
The following elements of the navigation menu can be edited:
- Background Colour
- Text Colour
- Border Colour
- Active Text Colour
You can apply the same colours for the main application, Vendor Portal, and Employee Portal, or you can configure these independently.
- Public Logo - Available on Vendor and Employee Portal Login Pages. These can be the same or configured independently.
- Application Logo - Available in the navigation menu of the main application, and Vendor and Employee Portals, as well as in the header of any Public URL/Touchless Workflow Forms. These can be the same or configured independently.
- Application Minimised Logo - If the screen size is smaller or minimised, the application adjusts responsively and displays a more suitable logo. This is available in the main application, and Vendor and Employee Portals; they can be the same or configured independently.
- Reports Logo - Available when reports are exported to PDF from within the main application.
- Email Header Image - The banner that appears at the top of any notification emails sent from this Gatekeeper tenant. Image must be exactly 600x80px.
Password Setup
The following elements can be amended on the page when a user is activating an account for the main Gatekeeper application:
- Main Area Colour
- Central Colour