Gatekeeper API

This article provides an overview of the API and describes the steps for accessing relevant documentation within Gatekeeper, as well as managing your API Keys.

Sections in this article:

API Overview

The API is available to Enterprise customers and uses the RESTful (Representational State Transfer) and JSON:API specification. JSON:API is a specification for how a client should request that resources be fetched or modified, and how a server should respond to those requests.

JSON:API is designed to minimise both the number of requests and the amount of data transmitted between clients and servers. This efficiency is achieved without compromising readability, flexibility, or discoverability.

Any custom data configured within Gatekeeper is also supported within the API. The API and related documentation are fully dynamic adapting to any changes in custom data that are implemented within the Configuration area. 

Integrate with VCLM Gatekeeper Using Our Postman Collection

Our Postman Collection can be used to streamline your API testing and integration process with VCLM Gatekeeper. This collection provides a pre-configured set of requests, allowing for easier connection and interaction with a Gatekeeper tenant without requiring manual setup.

To access the Postman Collection and start your integration, contact your Account Director (AD), who will provide the necessary details and guidance.

Gatekeeper API Documentation

The API documentation is specific to each Gatekeeper tenant and can be found by simply appending your tenant URL with "/api_docs" just after the four-digit tenant number (e.g. '1234' in the example below). Note that this number is different for each Gatekeeper customer instance. 

Introduction – API Documentation 2020-02-12 15-15-24

You will be presented with the below page which details your unique API Key and a full list of functions against each object with examples to get you started. 

Introduction – API Documentation 2020-02-12 15-25-39

Note that integration should only be attempted by appropriately trained technical resources. Any technical support required should be submitted via a ticket within the Gatekeeper support system.

API Key Management

API keys enable external applications to interact securely with your Gatekeeper tenant. Managing your API keys is essential for maintaining security, controlling access, and ensuring compliance with cybersecurity best practices. You can:

  • Generate and manage multiple API keys.
  • Assign permissions for individual API keys to control access to specific endpoints.
  • Revoke or disable keys when necessary.

To manage API keys: 

  1. From the navigation menu, expand Settings then click Configuration.
  2. Click Integration.

The API Keys section displays a list of your existing API keys, including details of who generated the key and when.

API keys

Click the copy icon to copy the key to your clipboard.


Add an API Key

To create a new API Key:

  1. Click + Add New Key.
  2. Enter a name.
  3. Ensure the Enabled toggle is switched on. 
  4. Configure the permissions by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. This will determine whether read-only or write access is granted for each endpoint.
  5. Once finished, click Save.

Note: If the integration attempts to access an endpoint that has not been granted, an error code will be generated. 

Manage Existing API Keys

You can update existing API keys if required. To do this: 

  1. Click the pencil icon on the relevant row.
    edit api key
  2. Update the name or amend the permissions by selecting/de-selecting the checkboxes.
    1. To disable a key temporarily, switch off the Enabled toggle. This is useful when you need to pause the integration, as the key can be re-enabled later.
  3. Click Save to confirm your changes. 

Revoke an API Key

You can permanently remove an API key, ensuring it can never be used again. This is typically done when a key is compromised or no longer needed. To do this: 

  1. Click the delete icon on the relevant row. delete key
  2. Type in the confirmation phrase and click Confirm.

Note: Revoking an API key will invalidate it and break any integrations using it. This process cannot be undone.

API Troubleshooting

Please note that your use case may require proactive monitoring of API calls. To help your team address error handling using the Gatekeeper API, the Parameters, Payload and Response are shown in the API logs of the most recent calls. This would allow your IT team to customise monitoring, alerts and retries (if required).

It is up to your organisation to implement appropriate error handling and alerting. If you require assistance with integration design, please discuss this with your Customer Success Manager (CSM).