Create a Workflow Group

This article provides step-by-step instructions on creating a workflow group and adding users to it.

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You can create workflow groups and assign users to them; this is typically used when a certain group of users are involved in the Workflow

Workflow groups can then be used for:

  1. Workflow Notifications - users within the group can be automatically notified that the card has entered the phase, or receive reminders at set intervals if it remains there.
  2. Workflow Card Ownership - only users within the group can access the phase that they are assigned ownership of, for example, they might be responsible for approving a contract in a request workflow. 

Create a Workflow Group

To create a workflow group:

  1. From the navigation menu, expand Settings then click Users.
  2. Click Add then select Workflow Group
  3. Enter a title and, if useful, an optional description, then click Save.

Note: the Workflow Group title will be used when selecting the group within the workflow configuration, so it is recommended to use a title that is short but meaningful.

Add Users to a Workflow Group 

If the required users are not already added in Gatekeeper, create them manually or via Bulk Import first.

To add users to a workflow group:

  1. From the navigation menu, expand Settings then click Users.
  2. Search for the relevant user, then expand the 3 dots and select Edit.
  3. From the Workflow Groups section, select the workflow group from the dropdown list. You can add users to multiple workflow groups if needed.
    workflow groups-1
  4. Click Save.