Configuring Navigation

This article is a guide to configuring the left side navigation panel in Gatekeeper and associated labels.

In this article:

Where to Configure Navigation

You can rename sections of the left-hand navigation and reorder the navigation panel from within the Navigation, Charts & Email section of Configuration.

  1. Locate and click on "Settings" from the left side navigation menu to expand before clicking on "Configuration
    Settings | Configuration Menu
  2. Then click on the option for "Navigation, Charts & Email"
    Navigation | Charts | Email

Note: You must be assigned an Administrator role with access to the additional permission of "Configuration" in order to control these options in Gatekeeper.

How to Change Navigation Labels

You can change seven of the terms displayed within the left side navigation menu, which will also update all instances of the corresponding word as it appears throughout the interface. 

  • Supplier: used to represent a vendor that provides your organisation with products or services
  • Annual Value: used to indicate a monetary worth or value for contracts on an annual basis
  • Team: used to associate your organisation's contracts and users with an internal department
  • Project: used throughout the interface to associate suppliers and contracts to specific projects
  • Category: used to categorise or arrange suppliers and contracts into specific groupings
  • Event: used to provide notifications for important dates, reviews, and reminders
  • Entity: used to represent the specific legal entity associated with a contract record

Navigation | Labels

To edit one of the available labels, click the menu (three vertical dots) to the right of the term. On the next screen, type in your new Translation, and click Save.

Navigation | Update Label

At this time, only these terms can be changed throughout your tenant. They were chosen or requested because of differing common terminology due to country or industry. 

How to Enable Dynamic Navigation

Allow users to reorder the application navigation items found along the left side panel with the flip of a switch just below the "DYNAMIC NAVIGATION" heading of Navigation, Charts & Email. 

Enable Dynamic Navigation

Note: Your current dynamic navigation configuration will become the default for all users. A user can then modify their own configuration from the new default view if desired.

To view fewer navigation items at any time, click the "Less" option. This will roll up the navigation. Click on "More" to expand the full menu

Navigation | View Less

How to Configure Dynamic Navigation

To change the order of the navigation menu:

  1. Click the lock icon to unlock the navigation
  2. Then, select any navigational item, and drag it to the desired location
  3. Then click the checkmark to save

Reorder Navigation

You also have the option to restore the default order of the list by clicking the circular arrow.

How to Set Default Navigation For All Users

You can set a default Dynamic Navigation for all users (both new and existing). This helps to simplify the user experience by only showing the areas of Gatekeeper that are relevant to your team in the left side navigation menu. Users can still edit this to suit their own personal preference as needed. 

Note: You must be assigned an Administrator role with access to the additional permission of "Configuration" in order to control these options in Gatekeeper.

Follow these steps to set the default navigation for all users:

Firstly, the Administrator must configure their own left side navigation in the same way that they want all users to be configured by default (see above).  
  1. Locate and click on "Settings" from the left side navigation menu to expand before clicking on "Configuration
    Settings | Configuration Menu
  2. Then click on the option for "Navigation, Charts & Email"
    Navigation | Charts | Email
  3. Then click the green "View" button under the "DYNAMIC NAVIGATION" heading
    View Default Navigation
  4. A pop-up window will appear with two options for selection:
    1. Apply to New users: sets the default navigation for new users only. This will only affect newly invited users to the tenant. Users can then modify their configuration. 
    2. Apply to All users: sets the default navigation for all users, both new and existing. This will affect all users, including Administrators. Users can then modify their configuration. 

      Set Default Navigation