This article will discuss adding custom Risk Data and will pick up from the Custom Data area discussed in the article Configuration: The Fundamentals. You must be an Administrator with access to Settings in order to access the Configuration options.
Configure Risk Type
The Risk Type allows you to categorise the risks you add to Gatekeeper. You can add, edit and delete Risk Types within the Dropdown Lists section of Configuration within Gatekeeper.
To access this, visit Settings / Configuration:
Selecting this will allow you to access all Dropdowns that can be figured. More on this, here. Towards the end of the page, you will see the ‘Risk Type’ Dropdown:
By clicking through on Risk Type you will be presented the following page where you can Add, Edit and Delete:
Once you have completed the task to add, edit or delete, your Risk Import categories whether via the user interface or bulk import will be dynamically updated.
Configuring Custom Data Fields: Risk Data
You can add Custom Data fields against your Risk Records to store any amount of additional information that might be pertinent to your own organisation.
Before adding custom data, it’s a good idea to understand the structure of what you’re adding. Data fields live within groups. The items outlined in red in the below image is an example of a Group and Field structure, whereby Settings is the Group and Users and Configuration are Fields.
Adding a Custom Group
From the Configuration page within Settings, select Custom Data:
To add custom data for any group type, including Risk, you’ll start by selecting Add then Add Custom Group.
On the following screen, enter a Title, select a Risk Type if you wish to configure by Type, or All Risk Types to apply to every Risk. Enter a description if you feel the need. You can also choose to display the description by clicking the checkbox.
Once you’ve filled out the information, click Save.
You’ll be taken to a new screen that shows the information within the Group. Since you’ve yet to add any fields, the page will be fairly empty.
Adding a Custom Field
From inside of a custom group, click Add then click Add New Custom Field.
On the following page add your Label, choose your data Type. add a description if required and select save.
Once saved, your data field will be available against your risk record. For example when you add a new risk via the user interface:
Editing and deleting custom data
Click on the group you’d like to edit in order to drill into that group. From the next screen, you can:
- Click on the green Add button and then select Add New Custom Field to add a new field
2. Click on the Pencil icon for any custom data value. This will take you to a new screen allowing you to change the Label or Description associated with that field (to conserve data integrity, you cannot change the input type).
3. Click on the trash can icon to delete any existing custom field