The Custom Data area allows you to add custom data groups to various parts of the interface and the Forms section allows you to create form templates. This article discusses the field types that can be added to custom data and forms. To learn more about Custom Data and Forms view the article Configuration: The Fundamentals. You must be an Administrator with access to Settings to access the Configuration options.
Field types
Single line text
Allows the user to enter a single line of text that can contain up to 50 characters. An example of a single line and how it might be used is shown below, with some dummy input text.

Multi-line text
Allows the user to enter a paragraph of text that can contain up to 2000 characters. An example of how the multi-line might be used is shown below, with some dummy input text.

Allows the user to enter a whole number, positive or negative, without symbols (so no currency signs should be used). Below is an example of how you might use the integer option, and what it looks like if a user enters an invalid entry.

Allows the user to enter fractional numbers such as 0.54 or -100.2.
Allows the user to enter a number and also provides a dropdown of all currencies configured within the tenant.
When in view mode, this will automatically format the output and show a conversion to the reporting currency of the tenant.
For more information on currencies in Gatekeeper, please see this article.
Allows a user to select a date from a pop-up calendar. An example of the date input is shown below.

Allows the user to pick yes or no from a dropdown list. An example of how this might be used is shown below.

Attached file
Allows a user to upload a file. An example of how this might be used and how the field is presented to the user is shown below.

Attached file with Expiry Date
Allows a user to upload any file types supported by Gatekeeper and select an Expiry date. An example of how this might be used and the process for the user is shown below.

Postal Address
Provides all fields needed for the user to input a physical address. An example of what the address field looks like is included below.

Supplier, Category, Team, and Entity
Provides a dropdown list of Suppliers/Categories/Teams/Entities that exist within Gatekeeper.
Allows the user to select a choice from a dropdown menu. An example of how this is used is provided below.

Multi-pick Dropdown
Allows the user to select multiple choices from a dropdown menu. An example of how this is used is provided below.
Website URL
Allows the user to enter a website URL. This will then show as a hyperlink within the repository. This can also include private intranet URIs.