Field Types for Custom Data

This article provides details and examples of the field types available for custom data.

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Custom data refers to any type of data that is unique to your business and is structured using two key concepts: Groups and Fields.

  • A Group acts as a top-level category that organises related fields.
  • Fields are the specific data points collected within each Group.

This article covers the field types that are available to add to your custom groups. 


NoteTo configure custom data, users require the Administrator Role, the All Permission, and the Configuration Additional Permission. See User Management Definitions for further details.

Once a field has been created, you cannot change the field type.

Field Types

Single line text

Allows the user to enter a single line of text that can contain up to 225 characters, typically used for concise information such as names, titles, or brief descriptions. 

Multi-line text

Allows the user to enter a paragraph of text that can contain up to 20,000 characters, and is useful for capturing detailed information. The user can format their text for this field type.


Allows the user to enter a whole number, positive or negative, without symbols (therfore no currency signs should be used). Users will not be able to save if the entry is not valid.


Allows the user to enter fractional numbers such as 0.54 or -100.2. 


Allows the user to enter a numerical value that will be expressed as a percentage once saved.


Allows a user to select a date from a pop-up calendar. An example of the date input is shown below.


Allows the user to pick yes or no from a dropdown list. This can be used as the basis for a depends upon field, where other fields appear based on the selected answer.

Attached file

Allows users to upload any file types supported by Gatekeeper.

Attached file with Expiry Date

Allows a user to upload any file types supported by Gatekeeper and select an Expiry date.


Allows the user to enter a number and select from the currencies configured within the tenant.

Monetary field type

When in view mode, this will automatically format the output and show a conversion to the reporting currency of the tenant.

For more information on currencies in Gatekeeper, see Configuring Currencies.





Postal Address

Provides all fields needed for the user to input a physical address, including a dropdown list to select the relevant country.


Allows users to select from a dropdown list of countries. 

Website URL

Allows the user to enter a website URL. This can also include private intranet URIs.

This will then show as a hyperlink within the repository.

Vendor, Category, Team, and Entity

Provides a dropdown list of Vendors/Categories/Teams/Entities that have been created within Gatekeeper.


Allows the user to select one option from a dropdown menu. You can configure which options will be available to users, and they will not be able to add their own. 

Multi-pick Dropdown

Allows the user to select multiple choices from a dropdown menu. You can configure which options will be available to users, and they will not be able to add their own.