This article provides a tour of helpful resources within Gatekeeper, all housed in our centralised Help Centre.

Sections in this article:
Knowledge Base
At Gatekeeper, we prioritise providing a stable, well-documented product to support your contract management needs. If you ever need guidance, our Knowledge Base is a valuable resource, regularly updated with how-to guides, release notes, and general information to help you find solutions quickly.
The Knowledge Base can be accessed in product by clicking Help Centre, then selecting Knowledge Base.
You can search the Knowledge Base directly from within Gatekeeper by typing your requirement in the search box.

Raising a Support Request
If the Knowledge Base doesn't answer your questions, our support team is here to help. Our global team is available around the clock, ensuring that whenever you need support our product experts are ready to assist you.
Our support request form will ask for all of the relevant information required. Remember to add as much detail as possible as the more we know, the better we can help you.
You can lodge a support request by clicking here or selecting Support Request from the Help Centre within Gatekeeper.
Alternatively, you can contact the support team by sending an email to

Ideas Forum
If you have a great idea about how we can improve Gatekeeper, the Ideas Forum allows you to express feedback, voice new suggestions, and vote on existing ideas. You can view trending product suggestions and sort by development status.
The Ideas Forum can be accessed by selecting Ideas Forum from the Help Centre within Gatekeeper.
To submit a new idea, click on one of the two forums depending on whether your feedback is based on the Core Gatekeeper application or our API Support / Integration partnerships.
Start typing in the main input box to tell us how we can improve Gatekeeper. Pre-existing suggestions with similar keywords will be displayed as you type to give visibility to similar ideas that are already under consideration.
Posting, Upvoting or Adding comments to ideas will subscribe you to updates on that idea.