Our Help Desk function provides a dedicated email address allowing users to send inbound queries on contracts, suppliers and matters to a central area where they can be triaged, assigned, replied to and associated with records in Gatekeeper.
Adding a Help Desk User
To ensure that someone can action a message and be notified when a message is received into Gatekeeper they must first be added as a Help Desk user. This is an easy action and can be performed by clicking on the ADD button and selecting Help Desk User as shown below

A screen will pop up and then it is a simple case of finding the user they would like to select from the drop-down list, they can quickly find the name by typing in the field 'User' and then clicking on the Save button.

Reviewing Messages
Now that the Help Desk users have been set up we can now look at how these users are notified and where they would go to review their messages and what actions they can take.
A Help Desk user will be emailed stating that someone has sent a message to the Help Desk address. The body of the email will contain a link which they can click on to open up the message in Gatekeeper.

Within Gatekeeper the Help Desk user will also see the number of unread messages by the number showing over the envelope icon as shown below

When they click on the icon they will have the option to open that specific message by clicking on the link, in the example below the link is 'Contract attached' and highlighted blue or they can click on the option 'View All'

Clicking on View All will take you to My Messages where you can see all messages
Once the message has been opened the Help Desk user can see the header and the body of the email and any attachments. There is the ability to respond back to the email by typing in the 'Add Message or upload a file' shown in section 1 below

The Help Desk user can also attach the document to a Vendor or Contract by clicking on the Link Message button as shown above in section 2. This is a great feature and once the user clicks on the Link Message button they are presented with the option to search for a Contract or Vendor by just searching in the Host field, then clicking on the Save button as shown below

After clicking Save the attachment is instantly linked to that Contract or Vendor record and there is a link in the message as shown below

If they click on the link it will take the user to that Contract or Vendor there is also the ability to change the Contract/Vendor if entered by mistake by clicking on the 'Change' Link.
It is also worth noting that once the message and file is linked to a Contract or Vendor that the message can be found under the Messages tab for that Contract as shown in the first screenshot and the file is linked in the File tab as shown in the second screenshot
The Help Desk user can also archive the message if they are using the list as a worklist which will remove the message from the active list. This is done by click on the button 'Archive this message' at the bottom of the message as circle below