Just-in-Time (JIT) Provisioning

Automatically create Employee Portal Users when logging in for the first time using SSO (Single Sign-On).

Just-in-Time allows Gatekeeper to create Employee Portal Users when they sign in for the first time using either the Google or Microsoft SSO method.


  1. Log in to a Gatekeeper account that has the additional permission 'Configuration' enabled.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Just-in-Time (JIT) Provisioning:JIT Configuration
  3. Enable JIT using the slider:JIT Enabled
  4. Select the SSO Provider you would like to use:JIT SSO Provider
  5. If you would like your Users to be able to login using Gatekeepers standard authentication as well as SSO then enable 'Allow Employee Portal Username & Password login':JIT Employee Portal login
  6. Select the Gatekeeper Team you would like the Users to be assigned to on creation & the Email Domain that can be accepted when trying to login (setting the email domain allows you to ensure that only users that belong to your company are able to be created as a User in the system):JIT Team & Domain


All done! Users logging into the Employee portal for the first time via SSO and with an email domain which matches the configuration will automatically be created in the system!

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