Microsoft OneDrive Document Editing

Learn how to enable Microsoft OneDrive editing and automated backup for your Gatekeeper files

Sections in this Article


Using OneDrive from the Repository

Using OneDrive within a Workflow


     Enabling the OneDrive Connection

     Enabling Workflow OneDrive Editing

Synchronisation Options

     Manual Sync



The Microsoft OneDrive integration allows users to seamlessly open, edit, and share documents from Gatekeeper directly into their OneDrive environment. Users can access their files in OneDrive, collaborate in real time with other users, and ensure smooth document management without leaving Gatekeeper. Any document added into Gatekeeper can be edited in OneDrive without manually having to reupload it. A linked backup is also automatically created so you will never have to worry about losing your data. 

Using OneDrive from the Repository

For any Word files which are stored in the Files tab of a Vendor or Contract record, you can click the three dots on the right hand side of a document and select OneDrive. This will open up the Word document which can be viewed, edited, and saved back into Gatekeeper.

Using OneDrive within a Workflow

On a Workflow Card

Users with access to a Workflow Card on a phase with Submit DraftOneDrive action enabled will be able to see and click on Edit in OneDrive.

You'll get the best of both worlds when combining the editing and collaboration features of OneDrive, with the structure, automation and audit capabilities of a Gatekeeper workflow.

OneDrive WF

Via Email

For Users who interact with eNegotiate without logging into Gatekeeper, they can be emailed a link to collaborate on the Draft:

Within this email (pictured above), recipients have four options* for engaging in the process:

  1. View & Edit Draft - used for opening the draft in OneDrive for reviewing and editing purposes
  2. Submit Draft - used to submit the draft to the next phase in the workflow
  3. Accept Draft - used to confirm that you accept the current version
  4. Reject Draft - used to reject the current version which will notify the other party


Enabling the Microsoft OneDrive Connection

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for assistance with enabling this feature.

To enable the OneDrive connection, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Configuration > Document Management.
  2. Within the Microsoft OneDrive menu, click Connect.
           Note: If you're already signed into another document editor, a popup will prompt "When you connect Microsoft OneDrive, the current storage will be disconnected. Are you sure you want to proceed?" If you're sure you want to connect to OneDrive, click OK.

  3. Sign in to your Microsoft account if you haven't already done so, this will grant access to your OneDrive.
  4. Select your root folder. The root folder location is where Gatekeeper stores backups of your documents. A best practice is to name it something understandable for others with access to your OneDrive. This will help reduce the number of file links which are sent to users only for them to request access. 
An administrator must authorise and enable syncing to grant Gatekeeper permission to the OneDrive account by clicking Authorise. If the user does not have permission to grant authorisation, there is a copyable link that can be shared with the Microsoft Administrator.

Enabling Workflow OneDrive Editing

  1. Click to edit the Workflow phase where OneDrive draft editing will take place.
  2. Go to the Actions Tab.
  3. Under the Submit Contract Draft action, enable OneDrive sub-action. 


NB. In order to use the Submit Contract Draft action, a Contract draft must first have been created/associated for the Contract on the Workflow.

i.e. The Standard eNegotiate Flow in Gatekeeper is:

Part 1) Create/Link Contract Draft v1

↳ Part 2) Submit Contract Draft/s

↳ Part 3) Publish Contract Draft to PDF

↳ Part 4) eSign Contract PDF

You cannot jump into using OneDrive at Part 2, Contract Draft Negotiations must have been started by assigning Draft Version 1, either by creating it from a Template, or by manually selecting a file uploaded to the Card


For more information, see 📖 Configuring eNegotiate

Enabling Workflow OneDrive Editing via Email

This option could be more useful for Vendors because they are unable to access Contract workflows in Gatekeeper:

  1. Follow the same steps as above to enable the Submit Contract Draft action with OneDrive.
  2. Go the Form Access tab.
  3. Ensure there is a dedicate owner assigned who will receive the draft and be responsible for completing the review/edits.
If you're sending to a Vendor (also ensure the authorisation type is set to Vendor eNegotiate):
  1. Go to the Notifications tab.
  2. Enable an email to the card owner, then click to edit the email template.

  3. Ensure the Button Type is set to "eNegotiate".


Synchronisation Options

The OneDrive integration allows the file to remain on the OneDrive even after a document is saved or closed. Users can go back to the file directly from their OneDrive and continue working on the document, even using Desktop Word to edit without internet access.

Manual Sync

You can manually sync using the button inside the Microsoft Add In, meaning you do not need to go to the file directly from Gatekeeper. This is true for both files in the repository as well as on a workflow. When this occurs, a new version of the file is created in Gatekeeper. 

However, for eNegotiate drafts on a workflow, it will have to be done inside Gatekeeper (you cannot simply click Submit Draft or Accept Draft).

Note: The manual sync is optional for eNegotiate since the AutoSync is available.


The AutoSync feature is built into workflows. This means that users do not need to manually sync a doc back to Gatekeeper which can save time and effort during drafting. Gatekeeper automatically detects if changes have been made on the file in OneDrive.

Whenever Gatekeeper needs to perform an action using that file (such as sending via email
or publishing), it will automatically pull any of the latest changes. In the file version history, a new
version will be created ahead of this action being performed. If the content of the file has not
changed, then it will skip the auto-sync and perform the action.

This will only occur when the draft moves out of a OneDrive focused eNegotiate phase in order to reduce the number of versions being uploaded in Gatekeeper.