Smart Forms

"Scoring every Vendor for complete risk control"


This summer, we enabled Smart Forms in every Gatekeeper tenant as a new feature to help you gain better reporting and actionable insights into the performance of your Vendors & Contracts.

To help you get started configuring your own Smart Forms (and even see some examples of how they can be applied for Vendor Risk & Performance management) Daniel & James explore everything you need to get started

If you want to get in touch with us to ask learn more about the art of the possible or to get started, you can contact our Customer Success Team here 



Supporting Knowledgebase Guidance 📚


📖 Smart Forms Guide

The complete guide to Smart Forms

📖 Building Workflow Forms

Learn how to configure workflow forms, including how to embed Smart Forms & configuring who can provide input

⚡️ Gatekeeper Expert - Dynamic Dates

Learn about the Workflow Action & Data settings you can configure to keep your assessments & reviews running on an automatic schedule


To see examples of the workflows to  we showed/mentioned in the webinar (in our opinion, great fits for combining with Smart Forms), you can visit the below setup guides:

🛠️ Create Your Own - Vendor Onboarding Workflow

 🛠️ Create Your Own - ESG Assessment Workflow



Webinar Q&A 💬

Q: If you make changes to your smart form year over year, how does that affect the historical scoring?

A: Historical score snapshots will be unaffected by changes you make to the configuration of a Smart Form.

That is, if a vendor completed a Smart Form one year ago and scored 85%, but this year you add some new questions to the form, last years score will not be recalculated. It will always be 85% on the date it was completed.

However, if you do add new fields to your Smart Form (and these fields are Scored & included in the new Smart Form weightings) , the scores for all your vendors will instantly capture a new snapshot of the score on the date you save your updates!


Q: Is it on your roadmap to include multi-select drop-downs for scoring within smart forms e.g. using response contains XX or response does not contain XX

A: Currently, No

💡 If you want this to be added to Gatekeeper, please upvote this Ideas Forum post:

Multi-select Dropdowns in Scored Forms


Q: How do individual question responses, aggregate up to provide a score for a risk category e.g. data protection.  I realise we need to apply weightings for each response, but it would be good to understand the calculation
A: This image from our Smart Forms Guide here explains this quite well:

In this image, the weightings can be seen alongside Allocated Weight for each Form Section

The Group Score which is displayed in this same line will be the Score for that group divided by the weight allocated to that group

i.e. For GDPR, the Group Score is showing as 22.5

➡️ 22.5 / 30% indicates that score which was achieved for this group was originally 75%

However, before being rolled up into the Score Summary of 82.25, it was reduced down by the weighting percentage

This same process is repeated for:

Modern Slavery: 100% Score, reduced by weighting of 25% for a Group Score of 25

ESG: 80% Score, reduced by weighting of 20% for a Group Score of 16

Resilience, DR & Operational: 75% Score,  reduced by weighting of 25% for a Group Score of 18.75

The sum of all these group scores (22.5 + 25 + 16 + 18.75) gives the Score Summary of 82.25


Q: What are the main use cases for applying Smart Forms?

A: On the webinar itself, we explored a few applicable use cases, mostly for Vendor risk & Compliance standards

However, if you're interested in a Contracts use case, this video explores how to apply scoring for a simple Contract Document Terms & Clauses Form:





Q: Can you structure who can see specific smart forms? for example infosec can be seen by our IT dept, but they don't have access to the entire contract of the vendor?

A: In Workflows, yes - You can configure Custom Form Section Visibility so that only specific users/teams can view sections of the workflow form

In the Repository, not yet ... But we are starting work on this very soon!

💡 To being automatically notified on our progress with this update, please upvote this Ideas Forum post:

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