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Success Hours: Custom Data


Welcome to the "Success Hours: Custom Data" webinar, where we'll be taking you on an insightful journey into the world of custom data. Our main objective today is to empower you with the knowledge to unlock the power of custom data and make the most of its potential.

Whether you're an advanced user or new to our platform, this webinar is packed with valuable insights on how to configure and use custom data to meet your company's unique requirements.

Summary breakdown

2:22      Gatekeeper's "Three Pillars" success framework
7:28      What is custom data
11:20   How to create a custom data field
31:17   Custom data in Workflows
35:33   Custom data in the Vendor Portal
49:42   Q&A

Webinar Q&A

Q: Can I create custom data fields that are visible only to certain teams?

A: You can choose a Type for your custom data, which determines how it appears in your data model. There are two types available: "Apply to all Vendor/Contract Types" and "Apply to specific Vendor/Contract Types". The latter allows you to limit the visibility of custom data.

For example, you can display ESG custom data exclusively for your critical vendors, making it visible only to users with access to those vendors.

Note that Vendor Portal users will only see a small subset of your data model, such as their registered address and company number. 

custom data type-1

Q: Can I create a custom data field to attach files? 

A: Yes, you can attach a file with or without an expiration date. 

To learn more about configuring custom data fields, please see this Knowledge Base article

Q: How can I separate contract custom data from vendor custom data? 

A: When configuring a new custom data group, you can select from the "Allocated to" dropdown list to determine where it should appear in your repository.  add custom data

If you have combined vendor and contract data in the same view, vendor data fields are distinguishable by an appended "| Vendor" label.

To find out how to create a single view that includes both your vendor and contract data, please see this Knowledge Base article.

Q: Is it possible to mix core and custom data fields?

A: Yes, a custom data field can appear as part of the out-of-the-box core data model. For instance, if you create a Jurisdiction field against Contract Data, Jurisdiction will be shown alongside other core data fields within the Contract Data section.


Q: Conversely to adding custom data fields, can we hide core fields for the vendor and contract records?

A: It isn't possible to hide core data fields on your vendor or contract records, but you can hide them in Saved Views and Workflow forms.