This article can serve as a "cheat sheet", summarising the various icons to be aware of as an administrator while overseeing a workflow
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Workflow Card Sections:
Card Name
This is the label identifying the content of a card
Configuring this label
If you add a Predefined Form section of type Vendor/Contract to a workflow form, the Card Name will default to the Contract Name or Vendor Name (based on whichever form section you add first)
See 📖 Building a Form for guidance on adding these sections to your form
However, you can choose any other form field (where the field type is Single line text/Contract/Vendor/Category/Entity/Team) to serve as the Card name, as below:
Step 1) Click to edit the First Phase of the workflow
Step 2) Go to the Form tab
Step 3) Click to edit the field you wish to use
Step 4) In the pop-out editor, check ☑️ Set as Card Name then hit ✅ Save
The field currently being used as a card name can be identified by its bold text in the Form config tab
NB. Cards where the 'Card Name' form field is not populated will be assigned a generic number (taken from the card ID) until the field is populated:
Associated Records ("Objects")
These icons are found on the right of a workflow card:
Contract: This shows that a Contract metadata record is linked to the card. This could be either from having been pulled from the repository onto the workflow (e.g. in a triggered renewal workflow) or from being created on the workflow (via a Create Contract Action)
Vendor: This shows that a Vendor record has been linked to the card, either via the same criteria as above (being triggered onto the workflow/created within the workflow) or if the Vendor has been associated with the form as part of a new contract request)
Attached File/s: This shows that one or more documents have been attached to the workflow form via "Attached File" fields
💡 Pro Tip: You can click the Vendor & Contract icons to open the repository record in a new tab:
Card Owners
The icons found on the left of a workflow card indicate who is currently responsible for the card - i.e. who can access the form and perform actions
(These icons do not indicate users who have access due to Workflow Administrator/Collaborator permissions)
Individual - an image of a user (or a blank avatar if they have not uploaded a profile picture yet) shows that the card is owned by a single person
Workflow Group - An avatar next to the workflow symbol indicates a card is owned by a workflow group (wherein any members of that workflow group can complete the actions/approval/form inputs on behalf of the group)
See Workflow Group Authorisation for information on how to automatically assign these groups
Multiple Owners - Multiple blue avatars indicates that many owners (i.e. more than one Workflow Group/individual user) have been assigned to the card
If these multiple owners also have "Parallel approvals" assigned, you will see a counter alongside the owner icon indicating how many approvals have been received and how many in total are required.
No owners - When nobody is assigned, the groups avatars will appear empty
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
As a Workflow Administrator, if you see the "No Owners" icon, that could indicate you have not configured the workflow Form Access settings correctly!
Using these icons
As seen in the above gif, hovering over each of these icons will reveal the title/name of the user/group who they represent
You can also use these icons to assign & amend owners
Clicking the icon will present a pop-out box, allowing you to add (and remove) new ad-hoc card owners:
Users/Groups added to a card this way will receive a notification email with content from that preconfigured in the phase's Notifications tab
See Configuring Workflow Notifications for guidance
When using Gatekeeper eSign on a workflow, the card will have a new footer (containing the Gatekeeper eSign logo) appended to give you an at-a-glance indication of the eSign status without having to click into the card:
Draft: An eSign sender has begun assigning signatories but not sent the document out for signing yet
Awaiting Internal: Currently an internal signatory has been requested to sign
Awaiting External: Currently an external (Vendor) user has been requested to sign
Awaiting Both: Both internal and external signatures are in progress
Processing: The document has received all necessary signatures and Gatekeeper eSign is completing the PDF update
NB. This status should only be visible for a matter of seconds. If - after refreshing the workflow - your eSign status seems "stuck" in processing, ensure you had not "locked" your file, preventing Gatekeeper eSign from compiling the signatures
Completed: All signatures have been received
Cancelled: A workflow user/eSign sender has cancelled the eSign process
Declined: One of the signatories declined signing the document
See Also: 📖 Initiating eSign from a Workflow
When using DocuSign on a workflow, you get a similar banner appended to Cards
However because the DocuSign solution is not as closely connected to our workflow functions, the only Statuses you will see in the banners are Awaiting DocuSign / DocuSign Complete
Various times are recorded against workflow cards & stored for audit purposes.
They can also give useful indications of the duration of various processes, help identify bottlenecks and can be used in filtering and reports:
Total Time on workflow - This will show how long this card has existed on the workflow. Hovering over the icon will show the date&time the card was created & when it was last updated
Time on current phase - This will show how long the card has been on the current phase. Hovering over the icon will show the date&time the card arrived on the current phase
SLA Timer (Time until deadline) - This will show how much time remains until the SLA deadline for the card on the current phase
SLA Timer (Time past deadline) - If the SLA timer has expired and the card has not moved, this will show how long it has been since SLA timer expired
Overdue indication: When an SLA is passed (and the card does not automatically transition based upon this deadline), the card's border & name will turn red, making it stand out and require urgent review:
For more context on the SLA timers & how to use them see 📖 Workflow SLA Timers
Market IQ
For Onboarding & Risk Assessment processes, gathering risk data about vendors is a key piece of Due Diligence
To represent Gatekeeper's Market-IQ risk data, workflow cards containing Vendor objects which have been linked to these Modules will display the Risk Grade:
"Market IQ Cyber" CyberSecurity Risk Scores:
"Market IQ Financial" Credit Rating Risk Scores:
See Market IQ for more information on this module