Workflow Authorisation (Permissions) are settings within Gatekeeper that control what users can see and do within the Workflow Engine. A variety of permissions can be assigned to a user, from whether a user can create or edit a workflow to whether a user can see a specific Workflow. These permissions can also differ between Workflow boards.
Types of Authorisation
There are 6 types of workflow authorisation:
Workflow Administrator
This is the highest workflow authorisation level.
These users will have ability to create new workflows and edit all existing workflows.
They have the ability to add cards directly to any workflow board (i.e. without needing to use a trigger/Public form/Employee Portal Form) and have admin access to all cards on the workflow, which allows them to manually delete/archive cards and complete workflow approvals/actions as if they were the current owner of the card!
Local Workflow Administrator
This authorisation is for users that need to possess the above workflow permissions but for specifically selected workflows. i.e. they will only have access to the workflows where they have been set as one of the Workflow Administrators.
Local Workflow Collaborator
This authorisation is for those users that will need read-only access to specific previously created workflows. i.e. they will be able to see & open all workflow cards on that workflow
Local Workflow Card Creator View Only Access
This setting allows users without any of the 3 above authorisation levels to retain visibility of any cards they have created throughout the rest of the workflow process
Phase Owners
This authorisation is for those users that are responsible for completing reviews/actions/approvals on a dedicated workflow phase - they will be able to see, open and perform actions on a card while it is on their phase
Users can be '@-tagged' in Workflow Messages which grants them partial access to the workflow card (currently they are only granted access to the Message thread in which they are tagged; not the whole form)
Who can Assign Workflow Authorisation?

Functions by level of Authorisation

How to set Workflow Authorisation?
The following articles will walk you through assigning Workflow Permissions:
- Workflow Administrator - Users who will build and administer workflows in Gatekeeper
- Local Workflow Administrator - Users who will administer specific workflows in Gatekeeper
- Local Workflow Collaborator - Users who will view specific workflows in Gatekeeper without performing any actions
- Owners (Workflow Group or Dynamic Owner) - Users that are responsible for reviewing the work unit and approving/rejecting
Honourable Mention: Workflow Reporting
The Additional Permission "Reporting" grants access to the "Card Age" report giving oversight and usage stats for all workflows in your tenant:
Initially this report will show a List View giving oversight of all workflows.
The Workflow Filter Icon can be used to select specific timeline insights for individual workflows: