🛠️ Create Your Own - Automated eSign Workflow

  Take Control                                                                      Safeguard Compliance

   Estimated Read Time: 6 minutes                         Estimated Configuration Time: Up to 1 Hour

▶️     Watch Time: 5 minutes



Sections in this Article


Workflow Diagram 


Mandatory Configuration Steps

Additional Configuration Steps

Before you start - Other Considerations

Getting Started - How to start using your new workflow

Additional Reading



The Workflow - Introduction


This workflow can be used to fully automate the process of generating new documents & instantly sending them out to your Vendors for signature.


This has been added to our templates library due to 2 key use-cases we see from Gatekeeper customers:

1) If you need to send out dozens (or even hundreds) of updates/new agreements at once

2) If - during another process, like your Vendor Onboarding - you need vendors to sign one (or many) introductory agreements (such as NDAs, Terms Of Service, etc), you can create a workflow for these to run in parallel with the Vendor Onboarding, speeding up the time to complete the whole process


Using a combination of eNegotiate Contract Templates, Workflow Triggers and AutoActions, this Workflow lets you remove the administrative effort of generating & sending these agreements for signature at scale.






Configuring the Workflow 🛠

Adding the Template Workflow

Before you get started with the configuration, you will need to add the Template workflow to your tenant.

Step 1) Head to the Workflows page

Step 2) Hit Add > Workflow Template

Step 3) Select the Automated eSign Workflow  Template

Step 4) If necessary, amend the new workflow's Title (possibly to be named after the specific contract it will generate)

Step 5) Hit ✅ Create



Mandatory Configuration Steps 🛠

These are the basic steps required to make the workflow functional

Technically, once you complete this chapter, your new workflow will work as an end-to-end process

The ⬇️ Additional Configuration ⬇️ steps are optional additions to change the scope of the process & adapt the workflow further to fit your organisation's practices & Gatekeeper subscription 


Select/Create your "Trigger" field

In order to decide which Vendors require a contract to be created via this workflow, you will need to assign a field which works as the Trigger Condition

If you will be using this workflow to create a new contract for 100% of your new Vendors, technically you can use a Core field like Vendor Status. But you will have better control & oversight by creating a new Custom Field for this purpose

Step 1) Go to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data

Step 2) Create or Select a Vendor Custom Data Group where this field should be added

 The pre-existing "Vendor Data" group is the simplest option for this

However if you plan on using this same custom field method for more than one process, you could add a new "Due Diligence Statuses" group to segment all these fields

Step 3) In the group you have chosen, hit Add > Add New Custom Field

Step 4) Configure the Field as below & hit ✅ Save

Label:           [Document Name] Status

Type:             Dropdown

Options:      N/A

Required ⚠️

In Place ✅

Expired 📆




Add your Trigger Field to the Workflow Form

This is so you can configure the workflow to update it later on (basically updating the "Status")

Step 1) Click to edit the Start Phase of your Workflow

Step 2) Go to the Form tab

Step 3) At this bottom of this page, hit Add Section

Step 4) Enter a name, then choose Predefined: Vendor, and enter the name of the group you selected/created in the previous step for Custom Data Group


Configure the Trigger

Once you have created (or selected) the field to specify which vendors will be used, you need to then configure the Workflow trigger to use this to create contracts for any vendors with matching values

Step 1) Go to the Workflows page

Step 2) Click the Options menu for your new Workflow then select Workflow Triggers

Step 3) Click to edit the trigger

Step 4) Under the Conditions table hit ➕ ADD

Step 5) Select the trigger field (from the above configuration step) & enter the value which should be used to create new contracts for your Vendors


Set the AutoAction Values

Part 1 - Contract AutoAction Values

This workflow is designed to be as simple & streamlined as possible and therefore can be set up to work for a variety of contract & compliance documents you need to get signed quickly!

As such, there are some values you will need to configure so that the AutoAction to generate a Contract metadata record are populated accurately

Step 1) Expand the AutoCreate Contract Record ⚙️ phase, then click to edit

Step 2) Go to the Actions tab

Step 3) Alongside AutoAction | Create Contract, click Edit AutoAction Values

Step 4) Here you should populate information about the Contract your workflow will generate, ensuring you've selected a value for all of the mandatory fields

Step 5) Hit ✅ Save


Part 2 - Vendor AutoAction Values (Done Phase)

Once the process is done for a specific Vendor, you should ensure Gatekeeper updates the Vendor record to indicate this for 2 reasons:

1 - So anybody viewing the Vendor record in Gatekeeper will know that the appropriate documentation has been obtained

2 - So that the workflow will not trigger again for the same document!

Step 1) Click to edit the Signed ☑️ phase

Step 2) Go to the Actions tab

Step 3) Alongside AutoAction | Update Vendor click Edit AutoAction Values

Step 4) For your custom field, enter a value to indicate the document has been executed

Step 5) Hit ✅ Save


Configure your Contract Template

 Step 1) Go to Settings > Configuration > eNegotiation Contract Templates

Step 2) After hitting ➕ Add Template, you will be able to access the Handlebar Instructions to see which fields can be inserted into your contract documents by Gatekeeper

Step 3) After populating your Contract document in MS Word, upload it to Gatekeeper to create this a new template

NDA Demo coming soon...


Assign your Contract Template within the Workflow

Step 1) Expand the AutoCreate Contract Draft ⚙️ phase, then click to edit

Step 2) Go to the Actions tab

Step 3) Alongside AutoAction | Generate Draft from Contract, click Edit AutoAction Values

Step 4) Alongside the Contract Type you selected in AutoAction | Create Contract earlier, select the name of the template you have just uploaded

Step 5) Hit ✅ Save



Additional Configuration Steps 🛠

This chapter will contain optional steps to amend the scope or preconfigured settings of the workflow so that it works optimally for your organisation & users


Amend Both Vs "External Only" eSign

By default, we have assumed you will want these documents to only be signed by the Vendor. However, if you wish to also collect an Internal Signature on each contract, this is a simple change:

Step 1) Click to edit the Automated eSign ✍️ phase of the Workflow

Step 2) Go to the Actions tab

Step 3) Underneath AutoAction | Send for eSign, disable External Signatory only


NB. Just like with the External Signatory, Gatekeeper will choose the signer based on the Contract Owner, therefore you should ensure that

a) There is a Contract Owner set by the AutoAction (⬆️ see above guidance ⬆️)

b) This Contract Owner will be an authorised eSign Signatory




✋ Before you Start - Additional Considerations  🤚


Vendor Users/Owners

This workflow is as streamlined as possible since there is an assumption that it will be used for Vendors with a Vendor User already assigned as the external owner...

If you do not have these populated, you will find that the AutoAction - Send for eSign step will fail (because Gatekeeper will not know where to send your contract!)






Getting started! ⚡️


Set your trigger to Live

Step 1) Go to the Workflows page

Step 2) Click the Options menu for your new Workflow then select Workflow Triggers

Step 3) Click to edit the trigger & set the Trigger Status to Live


Once this is live, your workflow is active and will start creating contracts for any Vendors which match the trigger conditions


Option 1: Triggering En-mass

This may be your desired application if you need to get many vendors to sign a new agreement due to a change in your operations (e.g. you have changed where you are incorporated or have change your company's registered legal name)

Step 1) Go to the Vendors Repository & hit Export > CSV | All Pages

Step 2) Open this CSV file in a spreadsheet editor (i.e. Excel or Google Sheets)

Step 3) Find your trigger field and populate the required value for all vendors where you need a new contract

Step 4) Export this spreadsheet to a new CSV file

Step 5) Back in the Vendors repository, hit Add > Bulk Import

Step 6) Choose your newly created CSV as the import file

Demo video coming soon....


Option 2: Embed in other Workflows

Part 1 - Add your new field to the form of the other Workflow/s

Part 2 - Use AutoActions to set the appropriate value which will create new contracts on your Automated eSign Workflow

Demo video coming soon....




Additional Reading 📚


📖 Parallel Workflows 2 - Vendor Onboarding x Automated NDAs

Learn about a key use case for this Workflow which allows you to multi-thread your Vendor Onboarding processes to speed up execution times


📖 Bulk Export & Import 

Learn in depth about the functionality available to update your vendor records en-mass. This could be used to bulk-trigger the above workflow, or to bulk populate (/amend) key vendor metadata