Learn how to manage your vendor/third party risk by using the SIG Lite questionnaire and power of smart forms
Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes
Estimated Configuration Time: 20 Minutes
➕ Requires the Vendor Portal
⚠️ Requires 169 Custom Fields
Sections in this article:
The SIG Lite Assessment best practice workflow uses the SIG Lite questionnaire, licensed by Shared Assessment, alongside scored forms to provide a seamless assessment of your vendor and third party risk.
Getting Started
Adding the Template
- Head to the Workflows page
- Hit Add > Workflow Template
- Select the SIG Lit 2025 Assessment Template
- If necessary, amend the new workflow's Title
- Hit ✅ Create
Mandatory Configuration
Configuring the "SIG Lite Assessment Status" Field
Creating a 'SIG Lite Assessment Status' field is mandatory as it allows us to create a field that can then flag Vendors for the SIG Lite Assessment workflow.
- Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data
- Select an existing Vendor Custom Data Group or add a new one to host the status field
- In the Vendor Custom Group, hit ➕ Add New Custom Field
- Label your field SIG Lite Status and select the type of Dropdown list
- Select Add Many and then add the below dropdown options and hit ✅ Save
SIG Lite Assessment Required ⚠️
SIG Lite Assessment Complete ✅
Configuring the Trigger
- Go to the Workflows page
- Click the three dots to edit the workflow then select Workflow Triggers
- Select the New SIG Assessment Required trigger
- Use the + ADD to assign the field you created as the trigger condition, as below:
SIG Lite Status ➡️ is one of ➡️ SIG Lite Assessment Required ⚠️
5. Click ✅ Create
6. Set the trigger status to Live
Add the SIG Lite Status to the Workflow and set it as Hidden
- Open the AutoStart phase, then select Form
- Scroll to the bottom of the form, then select ➕Add Section
- Give the section a name. Under Predefined, select Vendor, then select the Custom Data Group that you chose to host the SIG Lite Status question
- Select ✅ Save
- You should also Hide this field throughout the Workflow. If so, head to the form of each phase you wish to hide the field, then scroll to the bottom and select Hidden
AutoAction Setting the Status when done
- Head to the Review Completed ☑️ phase & hit Edit this Phase
- Navigate to the Actions tab
- Alongside ⚙️ AutoAction | Update Vendor, hit Edit AutoAction Values
- Set the SIG Lite Status dropdown value to SIG Lite Assessment Complete ✅
- Hit ✅ Save
Email Template
Once this assessment has been sent to the vendor, they will receive an email asking them to complete and submit the form via the Vendor Portal.
SIG Lite Questionnaire (Smart Form)
The questionnaire has a total of 169 questions that requires either a response from a dropdown list (Yes, No, N/A) or file attachment. The questionnaire is a pre-built smart form with all the questions and pre-scored/weighed for ease depending on the response.
Vendor View
Additional Configuration
Perform your SIG Lite Review Annually via a "Refresh" ♻️
As part of this process, you may be required to perform a SIG Lite check on an annual/recurring basis. If you need this process to repeat, follow the below steps:
Adding a Date field to the data model
- Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data
- Open your Vendor Data custom data group
- Select + Add New Custom Field
- In the Type field, select Date. Then in the Label field, add SIG Lite Yearly Review. Then select ✅ Save.
Adding the Date Field to the Form
Only follow these steps if you have not already added this section. If you have, this field should have automatically been
- Head to your SIG Lite Assessment workflow
- Select the AutoStart phase to edit it
- Open the Form tab of the AutoStart phase
- Scroll to the bottom of the form, then select + Add Section
- In the Predefined section, select Vendor and in the Custom Data Group section, select Vendor Data then select ✅ Save
Setting the Date via AutoActions
- Head to the Review Completed ☑️ phase
- Select Actions from the right-hand navigation menu
- Under the AutoAction | Update Vendor section, select Edit AutoAction Values
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and next to SIG Lite Yearly Review select the period of time you would like to pass between reviews (e.g. 12 Months after Today)
- Hit ✅ Save
Creating a Trigger
- Head to the Workflows page
- Under the SIG Lite Assessment workflow, select the three dots, then select Workflow Triggers
- Select the SIG Refresh Required trigger
- Under Conditions, select + Add then locate the date field previously created
- Select your operators (e.g. Next SIG Lite Review occurs in 7 Days, then select ✅ Create)
- Set the Trigger Status to Live