Configuring Contract Templates

This article explains how to understand, configure, preview, and edit the contract templates that reside in Gatekeeper.




Sections in this article



What is a Contract Template?

Contract Templates are a way of centrally storing your compliant and pre-approved legal Microsoft Word® contract documents in Gatekeeper.

These can be configured with dynamic tags which allow Gatekeeper to populate /customise the document for you when using a Template to generate new Contract Drafts.

Once configured in your Gatekeeper tenant, these templates can be manually or automatically selected in Workflow Actions to generate drafts during Contract setup workflow processes!

To understand how these templates are used, see the below article:

📖 Create a Draft from a Contract Template

In Gatekeeper, you can store an unlimited number of eNegotiate Templates as well as multiple documents per associated Contract Type. 

Creating a Contract Template

If you want a contract template to be available for use within Gatekeeper, it must be configured first as an eNegotiate Template.

Note: Only highest level Administrator users (Role: Administrator & Role Permission: All) in Gatekeeper with the Additional Permission of "Configuration" are able to add or modify eNegotiate Templates. 

To get started select “Settings” then “Configuration” from the left side navigation panel.

Settings | Configuration Menu

Next, choose the “eNegotiate” option.

Creating a Contract Template via MS Word

Click the green “ADD” button and select “MS Word Template

There are four required fields when adding in a new eNegotiate Template:

  1. Title - This is the name of the template that appears in the associated Workflow Phase
  2. Contract Type - Any existing Contract Type in Gatekeeper can be selected from the list
  3. Status - Both "Pipeline" and "Live" eNegotiate Templates will be visible in a Workflow 
  4. Document - This is the Microsoft Word® file used to generate the eNegotiate draft

If you wish to have details within the contract automatically populated during the eNegotiate workflow, you can use predefined handlebars. You can read more about handlebars below

New eNegotiate Template

Note: Please ensure that the Template file type is docx instead of doc. This may require you to update to a newer version of Microsoft Word®. 

Additionally, an optional PDF preview can be added so that users can view and download the template within a Touchless Contract Form as applicable.  Read more about previewing below

PDF Preview

Be sure to click "Save" when finished. 


What is a Handlebar?

Handlebars are a great way to utilize the data that resides within Gatekeeper as a way of populating the common language within your eNegotiate Templates. When the corresponding contract draft is generated within the Workflow or Files tab, Gatekeeper will replace the handlebars with key data and/or clauses.

There are five types of handlebars that can be configured in Gatekeeper:

  1. Contract
    1. Core Data
    2. Custom Data
  2. Supplier
    1. Core Data
    2. Custom Data
  3. Entity
  4. Contract Clauses
  5. eSign

Configuring Handlebars

Click the “Handlebar Instructions” button to see the list of available handlebars that can be added to your Microsoft Word® Template.

Handlebar Instructions

Simply enter the relevant “Key” in the left column to your document where appropriate before you upload and save it as a template in Gatekeeper. The "Key" will be substituted with the relevant metadata entered into the form where available.

Note: Handlebar keys will be removed from the generated Contract Draft if the associated fields are empty.

There is also an option to "Export Instructions to PDF" in the top right corner as needed. 

HandleBar Keys

Note: Handlebars will only work for templates added via the eNegotiate Configuration area. Handlebars are not designed to function for files uploaded manually in Gatekeeper. 

Using Handlebars with Office for the Web

When editing a Microsoft Word® agreement in Office for the Web, you can insert handlebars via the Gatekeeper Add-In - which automatically loads when opening an Office for the Web document from within Gatekeeper.

Simply click the Gatekeeper logo within the Office for the Web ribbon, Select 'Contract Template' and double click the relevant handlebar to place it at your current cursor location. 

Contract Clause Library (Conditional Handlebars)

In addition to metadata and eSign handlebars, you can also build a Contract Clause Library in the eNegotiate Configuration area using conditional handlebars. This removes the manual task of adding complex clauses based on conditional data for the contract and automates the generation of compliant, pre-approved legal agreements.

Contract Clause Library

To utilise this feature, use Custom Fields with the Type: 'Dropdown list'. To learn more about setting up Custom Fields in Gatekeeper, click here.

In the example below, there is already a Dropdown list Custom Field called "Governing Law" with three different countries which will dictate the appropriate contract clause. 

Governing Law

To start the configuration process, click the green "ADD" button and select "Add Handlebar"

Add Handlebar

When configuring, you will be able to give a title for the handlebar and enter the clause for each option of the dropdown list. A Default value should also be added in the case no values are selected. 

Governing Law Handlebar Configuration

Once you're happy with the clauses for each option, click "Save". This will now be available as a conditional handlebar under the "Contract Clauses" tab of your handlebar instructions page. Once the conditional handlebar is added to an eNegotiate Template, the appropriate clause will appear in the contract Draft based on the dropdown option selected for the contract. 

Contract Clauses Tab

Editing Contract Clauses

Any of the contract clauses added to the Contract Clause Library can be edited once created. Locate the corresponding menu (three vertical dots) and click the "Edit" option. 

Edit Contract Clause

Be sure to click the green "Save" button when finished. 

Previewing a Contract Template

To preview the docx version of the eNegotiate template within the browser window, click on the eye icon. You can also select the downward arrow icon to download the document to your computer. 

Preview Template

The document can also be viewed after clicking directly on the template name and selecting "Download File" (docx) or "View Test Template" (PDF). 

Another Editing Template Option

Download Template File

eNegotiate Templates can also be viewed within a Workflow Phase designed for contract Draft creation. Click the blue button labelled "View (Download)" to review the docx version. 

If using a Touchless Contract Form within a Workflow process, the eNegotiate template can be configured to display in a preview pane along with options to view in a separate browser tab (blue arrow) or download directly as a PDF to your computer (grey arrow). 

Touchless Contract Form Preview

Editing a Contract Template

eNegotiate Templates can be edited by clicking the corresponding menu (three vertical dots) and selecting the "Edit" option. 

Edit Contract Template

The Template can also be edited after clicking directly on the template name and then select "edit". 

Another Editing Template Option

Edit eNeg Template

Any of the available fields can be adjusted, including the associated Microsoft Word® file. If updating the file, it is also recommended to update the PDF Document (if using).