This article is intended as a glossary to the fundamental configuration options within Gatekeeper.
Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes
There are several areas of the Gatekeeper interface that can be configured to better suit your specific needs, including currency exchange rates, relevant drop down lists, additional owners and custom data, just to name a few.
Accessing configuration options
Most configuration options can be found under the Configuration section nested under Settings in the left hand navigation menu.
Note: Certain elements of this Walkthrough are intended for Administrators only. They require the 'Administrator' Role, the 'All' Permission, and the 'Configuration' Additional Permission to complete these steps. You can find more information regarding these definitions here: User Management Definitions.
Configuration options
There are numerous configuration options within the interface. Here we’ll give a brief overview of each section.
- Currency
- Dropdown Lists
- Owners
- Integration
- Custom Data
- Navigation, Charts & Email
- Import/Export
- Authentication
- Zapier

You may have contracts with suppliers in currencies outside of your native currency. This area is where you can configure your reporting currency, contract currencies, and exchange rates, so that Gatekeeper can report all of your contract values in your native currency. View our article to learn about Configuring Currencies.
Dropdown Lists
There are several areas within the interface that have configurable dropdowns. These include: Contract Type, Supplier Type, Event Type, Track Type, Project Type, Form Type, Document Type. All of these lists can be configured from the Dropdown Lists section. View our article to learn Configuring Dropdown Lists.
Here you can create and edit different owner types, such as Relationship Manager, Account Manager, IT Owner, Legal Owner...whatever your needs may be. View our article to learn about Configuring Owners.
This is where you can find your API key if you need to create a specific integration. You can also access our integration with Zapier from here.
View our article on the Gatekeeper API here.
Custom Data
This area allows you to add custom data groups to various parts of the interface including Contracts, Suppliers, Projects, and Users. An example of Custom Data might include Payment Terms so that your finance team can track those contracts on monthly versus annual terms. View our articles to learn about Configuring Custom Data Fields.
Navigation, Charts & Email
This is where you can rename certain labels within the left hand navigation and any instance of the corresponding term within the platform. Here you can also reorder the navigation items and lock down different parts of the navigation that you might not want Collaborators to have access to. View our article to learn about Configuring Navigation.
In this section you can control the date format used for csv file imports and exports. View our article to learn about Configuring the Import/Export Date Format.
Here you can manage 3rd party Single-Sign On (SSO) authentication integrations for your team. You can view our SSO options here.
Here you can create no-code integrations with over 4,000 apps using our Zapier connector. View our article to learn about Configuring Zapier.