This article describes the process of initiating and completing eSign within a Workflow and all of the available options.
For further information on the legality of electronic signatures please see; The legalities of Electronic Signature.
- eSign Workflow Initiation
- Adding Document eSigners
- Removing Additional Document eSigners
- Changing Signing Order
- Adding a Message
- Placing Floating eSign Fields
- Resending the eSign Email
- Changing the Signatories
- Cancelling the eSign Process
- eSigning the Document
- Delegating External eSignatories
- Configuring eSign Handlebars
- Restarting eSign
Note: eSign must be enabled and configured in Gatekeeper before initiating any eSign process. Click here for detailed steps regarding the setup and configuration of eSign.
eSign Workflow Initiation
When a card has transitioned to a workflow phase with the Enable eSign Action selected, an email will be sent as configured to the specified Phase Owner to initiate the eSign process. To learn more about configuring Workflow Actions, click here.
Simply click the button from within the notification email as indicated below to get started. To learn more about configuring these Workflow notification settings in the Form Access Tab, click here.

Initiate the eSign process by selecting the blue "Start" button. If this button is not visible, it means that you have not been designated as an eSign Sender. To learn about configuring eSign, click here.

Confirm the correct document is selected and click “Save & Next” to continue.

Note: If the appropriate file is not present in the dropdown list to select, ensure that the document is in a pdf format and has been uploaded to the Workflow prior to the eSign phase. Files designated as a "Master Record" associated with the contract or supplier will also appear in this list. To learn about how to set a file as the "Master Record" click here.
Adding Document eSigners
You can review the file or select "Scroll to Prepare eSign" to move straight to selecting Signatories.

Select an Internal User (required) from the dropdown list of Internal Authorised Signatories and the External Supplier User (optional) to sign the contract if needed.
If you need to collect more than two signatures, click the blue "Add More Signers" option at the bottom of the page. This will provide you with the ability to add more Signatories as needed.
Note: To read further about assigning eSign Signatory permissions, click here. Internal users must be configured as eSign Authorised Signatories for selection.
Removing Additional Document eSigners
To remove additional signers, click on the red trash can icon that appears to the right.
Changing Signing Order
If desired, the signing order can be adjusted on this screen after clicking on the blue "Change" button. Drag and drop Signers in the correct order once the corresponding pop-up appears and then click "Save".
Adding a Message
Clicking on the "Add" button will allow for customized message entry as needed.
eSign messages can be individualized or applied across all signers by selecting the checkbox indicated below. Using this checkbox will replace any messages already in place.
Placing Floating eSign Fields
After all Signatory fields have been completed, right-click (control-click on a Mac) within the document to place floating signature fields. This allows you to predetermine where the Signature and any other details will be placed on the contract.
Field placement options for eSign include:
- Signature
- Full Name
- Company
- Title
- Date
The fields are colour coded for clarity and are compatible with all advanced features of our eSign solution including multiple signatories, signing order and custom messages.
Note: Gatekeeper will track the eSign process and create a full audit trail appended to the end of each document that goes through this process, regardless of floating field use.
Once all the relevant floating fields have been placed on the document, click “Request Signature” at the bottom of the page.
Both the Internal Signatories and External Signatories will receive emails in the designated order asking them to sign the contract along with a daily reminder email for any outstanding requests.
Resending the eSign Email
After eSign has been initiated, the email notifications can be resent as needed to promote completion. Simply click on the associated Workflow Card and select "Resend Email".
From the corresponding pop-up menu, specify the signatory to receive the reminder and then select "Close". Note that the options to resend will be dependent on the specified signing order.
Changing the Signatories
If the specified signatories need to be updated after eSign has been initiated, select the relevant Workflow Card and choose the "Edit eSigners" button.
Then you will have the option to update both the internal and external signatories as desired. Be sure to click "Request Signature" once the updates are made.
Note: Only Administrator users in Gatekeeper are able to add new external signatories inline with the "Add New" button. For more detailed information, click here.
Cancelling the eSign Process
To cancel an eSign process after it has been initiated, locate and click on the related Workflow Card and select the red "Cancel eSign" button.
You will also have the opportunity to enter a reason for cancelling and notify each eSigner. This process can be reinitiated at a later time by utilising the "Restart" option.
eSigning the Document
Signatories will be able to "Review & eSign" directly from the notification email they receive and will not need to login to Gatekeeper to complete this process.

Note: The Internal Signatory will be able to access the Contract directly from the notification email they receive or select “eSign Now” in Gatekeeper after clicking the associated Workflow Card to complete the eSign process if they are also the Sender.
The Signatory can then sign the document by selecting the blue "Scroll to eSign" button.
Additionally, the Signatory can simply click on the "CLICK TO SIGN" button directly within the document itself. This option will be present for any preplaced floating signature fields only.
There is also a third option for the Signatory to click "SIGN HERE" at the bottom of the page or select "Decline" if desired.
Signatories will be able to eSign using four different methods.
- Draw it in: Drawing their signature using a mouse or touchscreen
- Type it in: Typing in their name and selecting a font style
- Upload Image: Uploading an image of their signature
- Saved: Returning Signatories will be able to access saved signatures
Once the signature option is selected and ready, click “Save”
Then verify the signature to be used throughout the document and select the blue "Insert Everywhere" button.
Select “I Agree” and the eSign for this contract will be completed.
Other Signatories who have not signed the Contract will be sent an email notification in the previously designated order. External eSign Signatories will follow the same process as outlined above for an Internal eSign Signatory.
Once all necessary parties have completed the eSign process, everyone involved will receive confirmation emails with an attachment to download a copy of the signed Contract.

Delegating External eSignatories
External Signatories will have the option to delegate eSign to someone else after clicking "Change eSigner" in the notification email.
The appropriate external signatory can also be specified by clicking "Review & eSign" and then choosing the "Change Signer" button at the top of the next screen.
From the corresponding pop-up that appears, full name and email information must be entered before clicking on the "Re-Assign" button.
Configuring eSign Handlebars
Using eSign handlebars is a powerful way to automatically place signatures for both internal and external parties as well as associated names, job titles, company and dates within a document.
As the handlebars are embedded into the Word template itself, they are fully dynamic so are able to adjust for any length of text or to adjust for additional clause language being inserted from our Clause Library.
Click the “Handlebar Instructions” button to see the list of available handlebars that can be added to your Microsoft Word® Template.

Simply enter the relevant “Key” in the left column to your document where appropriate before you upload and save it as a template in Gatekeeper. The "Key" will be substituted with the relevant metadata entered into the form where available.
There is also an option to "Export Instructions to PDF" in the top right corner as needed:

NB. These Handlebars will only work for templates added via the eNegotiate Templates area. Handlebars are not designed to function in files manually uploaded to Gatekeeper.
Adding More eSign Handlebars
You will notice the eSign tab of the Handlebar Instructions view only shows the handlebars for a single internal and single external signatory.
However, if you have more than 1 Internal & External Signer, you can simply increment the "1" from the above handlebars to include as many as you wish to add
Pictured Below: A template contract with handlebars for 2 internal & 2 external signers
Pictured Below: The above template being signed with 2 Internal & 2 External signers:
If you add handlebars for signatures which are not used for a contract, don't worry!
Gatekeeper will automatically remove unused handlebars during signing, so you won't end up with any "gk_esign_i_sign_NUMBER_gk" references left in your finalised contract document!
Restarting eSign
If an eSign process has been previously cancelled, you can reinitiate by selecting the appropriate Workflow Card and clicking on the blue "Restart" button.
You can read further about tracking the progress of the eSign process after clicking here.