Events allow users to manage ad-hoc tasks with ease. With features such as due dates, task owners, approvers, due and completed dates, and recurring options, Events is the perfect solution for staying organized and on top of your tasks.
Estimated Read Time: 9 Minutes
Events are the perfect solution for managing ad-hoc tasks with ease and efficiency. With Events, users can create and assign tasks with specific due dates and assign an event owner responsible for completing the task. Additionally, tasks can be set as recurring to save time and ensure that important tasks are not forgotten. Events also provide the option to assign an approver for tasks, ensuring that all completed tasks meet the necessary quality standards. Whether you are managing a high-value contract or simply need to remind yourself or your colleagues about an important date, Events is the perfect tool to keep you organized and on top of your tasks.
In this article:
- What is an Event?
- How to Create an Event
- Additonal Settings
- Event Messages
- Global Events List
- Additional Learning
What is an Event?
Events in Gatekeeper are a part of all plans and a great way to automate communication with your Gatekeeper community, allowing for the easy configuration of reminders for important tasks.
Events can be created against a:
- Contract Record
- Supplier Record
- Project
How to Create an Event
This article walks through the steps to create an Event from the Contracts area of Gatekeeper, however, the configuration process is the same for Suppliers and Projects.
1. To get started with creating a new Event select "Contracts" from the left navigation menu.

2. From the Contracts repository, choose the record that you would like to be associated with this Event and then click the green "ADD" button that is featured on the right-hand side of the screen.
Select "Event" from the drop-down menu that appears.

3. You will be directed to the "Add Event" form, where all mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk must be completed.
For this step, the following are required:
- *Event Type - Choose an event type from the dropdown list. This is configurable within the "Dropdown Lists" section of Configuration Settings. For further information, click here.
- *Owner - Select an Internal or External Owner from the dropdown list. This is the person responsible for completing the Event.
It is important to note that when setting an Event Owner, they must have access to the Contract or Supplier record that the Event is being created for.
- Due Date - The date the 'Owner' should receive the notification advising them the event is due. (Required to set a notification)
- *Event Title - This will also be used in the email notification as the subject line. This will default to the name of the object's host, the date, and the name of the person creating the Event.
- Event Description - Enables the full details of what is required to be recorded. Also, this will be used in the email notification as the email content.
- Completed Date - This is usually left blank when creating an Event unless a completed Event is being added retrospectively.
3. Once this data has been added, select "Save" to create the event record and add another as needed.
Additional Settings
The optional additional settings section of the Add Event area allows you to add an Approver or configure it as recurring, along with enabling custom reminder notification emails or marking the Event as completed.
To add an Approver to the event:

- Select the "Requires Approval" checkbox
- You must now select an Approver (mandatory). To do so, select an Approver from the available drop-down menu of users.
- Click "Save" when done.
When the Event is due and completed by the Event Owner, it will be submitted for approval by the designated user. The Approver will be notified and will have the option to Accept or Reject.
Recurring Events
Note: Recurring events can only be created by directly accessing the event via the object (Contract, Supplier, or Project). It is not available from the Global Events List.
- Under the "Repeat Event" section, click the drop-down box next to the Recurring Event field to select whether you would like the event to repeat on a Monthly, Weekly, or Yearly basis.
- Enter the frequency of how often you would like the event to repeat (i.e. every 1 week, every 2 months or every 3 years)
- Finally, select when you would like the event to end. You can select the following options:
- Forever: The event will continually repeat until you manually change this
- Times: Select how many times you would like the event to repeat according to what you have selected under the Repeats field
- Until: Select an exact date of when you would like the event to stop
If you'd like to know how to delete a repeating Event, click here.
Custom Reminders
Custom reminders provide an additional level of notifications for Events
- Event Creation: Choose whether to notify the Owner of the Event upon creation
- Upcoming Reminder: Send an email notification to the Creator (you) or the Owner X days prior to the due date of the Event
- Overdue Reminder: Send an email notification to the Creator (you) or the Owner X days post the Due Date of the Event
- Approved: Allow either the Creator (you) or the Owner to Approve on completion
- Completed: Allow the Creator (you) to finalise the Event
Note: Notifications can only be created by directly accessing the event via the object (Contract, Supplier, or Project). It is not available from the Global Events List.
If you set a Due Date on an Event, you will get the option within Advanced Settings to send reminders should the Event not be completed by the Due Date.
- Event Creator - Select if you would like to send notifications to the Event creator and set the frequency of notifications they will receive.
- Event Owner - Select if you would like to send notifications to the Event Owner and set the frequency of notifications they will receive.

Once the Event is created, the Event creator and owner will receive notification reminders when the Event occurs.
Event Messages
Once an Event has been created, there will be an option to start a message thread within the Event record. All messages posted under the Event record will notify the Event creator and owner (the message sender will not receive a notification for any messages they send).

Global Events List
The global events list can be accessed from the "Events" option found along the left-side navigation panel. It can also be accessed within the Executive and Quarterly Dashboards.

It will display an overview of all currently existing Events.
Events Filtering
Filtering options are available along the top of the Event List to find Live, Completed, or All Events.
You can also find an Event by utilising the search bar next to filtering options.
Additionally, you can further sort the Event List by Approvals:
- You Own - Any Events where you are assigned as the Approver
- Any Owner - Any Events that require Approval
- All - All Events, regardless of Approval
Filter by all Events you own (with or without Approval) by selecting "I Own" next to the "Filter by" option to the left of the green "ADD" button.
Note: Events can be created directly from the Event List. However, Advanced Options won't be available from here. For more information, please refer back to the Advanced Settings area of this article.