Single Sign-on Best Practice

This article will provide best practices for implementing SSO for your organisation.

Implementing Gatekeeper SSO Safely

When implementing SSO (Single Sign-On) with any identity provider, it's important that your IT lead or Gatekeeper admin follows a careful deployment process to avoid locking all users - including the Gatekeeper support team - out of your tenant. Here's our recommended approach before you click on SSO

When implementing SSO, Gatekeeper strongly recommends the use of 'Allow All Authentication Methods' as this will ensure that if there are any issues with your SSO configuration, users will not be locked out of Gatekeeper.

Communication: Inform your organization about the upcoming change. Clearly communicate the benefits of SSO and provide instructions on how they'll need to log in to Gatekeeper using the new method. Include your rollout date

Support Channels: Set up a dedicated internal support channel (e.g., a help desk or support email) for users who encounter difficulties with the new SSO setup. Provide clear instructions for users to seek assistance.

User Training: Provide training materials or sessions to guide users through the new SSO process, including how to log in to Gatekeeper and troubleshoot common issues.

Scheduled Downtime: Plan the SSO implementation during off-peak hours or weekends to minimize disruption. 

Testing and Validation: Before full deployment, conduct thorough testing of SSO with a sample of users to ensure everything works as expected.

Monitoring Post-Deployment: After deploying SSO, closely monitor and solicit user feedback and system logs to identify and address any unforeseen issues promptly.

By following these steps and taking a cautious and gradual approach, you can manage the rollout successfully and minimize the risk of locking users out of your Gatekeeper tenant when implementing SSO.