Tracking eSign Progress

This article describes several methods for tracking the eSign process within Gatekeeper.

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For further information on the legality of electronic signatures including EIDAS compliance please see our summary: The legalities of Electronic Signature

A TL;DR is:

  • Gatekeeper qualifies as an AES (Advanced Electronic Signature)
  • For QES (Qualified Electronic Signatures), we have a native DocuSign Integration

Files Menu

Navigate to the Files menu from the left side navigation panel. Here all files in Gatekeeper are listed, with the following details:

Note: If the below columns are not visible you can easily add them. Learn how to do that here

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  • eSign: The stage in the eSign process this document is at.
  • eSign Internal User: The internal Signatory
  • eSign Vendor User: The Vendor/External Signatory
  • eSign Updated at: The last time the eSign process was updated
  • Color of the eSign icon: you can track the progress based on the following icon colors:
  1. Grey: No eSign initiated on this file
  2. Blue: Draft eSign process saved
  3. Orange: eSign initiated and awaiting signatures
  4. Green: eSign process completed
  5. Red: eSign request has been declined

Click the top left eSign pencil/paper icon to filter all Files by eSign status. You can also filter the list by inputting a term in the search box and pressing the Enter key. 

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Contract/Supplier Repository

Another way to track the eSign process is directly from the contract or supplier record's File tab. To access, first click the "Contracts" or "Suppliers" section from the left side navigation panel.


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Select the Contract record or Supplier Record linked to the eSign document:


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Then select the Files tab and click the eSign status icon to the right hand-side of the file:


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This will display the current status of the eSign request. When 'Awaiting Signature', this is displayed in Orange below the Signatories details:
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Once a Signatory has signed the Contract this updates to 'Signed' in Green:

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Below Signatories and Signature Status is the eSign history, including when the process started and who initiated it, when the document was viewed and when the document was signed and executed, including the user completing the action with a date/time and location stamp.

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Note: The location stamp for eSign history may vary for users accessing Gatekeeper through VPN or SSO,  identifying the IP address of the relevant data centre at the time of signing.


Contract Lifecycle Tab

Additionally, you can view the history of an eSign process along with the rest of the Contract Record's history in the Lifecycle tab.

This option only applies if the eSign process was initiated in a workflow.


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To learn more about initiating the eSign process via Workflow, click here