Discover how to break up & organise your data making it clearer and easier to navigate for you and your users
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes
Estimated Configuration Time: 5 - 30 Minutes
Sections in this Article
Pre-requisite reading/knowledge
Feature Overview
Pictured above: A Vendor with 2 new custom tabs to split out the InfoSec & ESG data
Custom tabs allow you to move Custom Data Groups away from the standard "Data" tab on your Vendor & Contract records
The benefits this can grant are 2-fold:
a) Grouping related sets of data into a single view, making them easier to browse by their intended viewers
b) Removing these data groups from the standard Data tab and make them easier to navigate
This can be especially useful if you have data sections only used for specific assessments/by specific teams - such as InfoSec, ESG, Financial information
Creating a new Custom Tab
Step 1) Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data
Step 2) Hit Add > Custom Tab
Step 3) Give your tab a Title
Step 4) Select whether your tab should be added to Contract or Vendor records
You can optionally specify a subset of Contracts/Vendors by selecting 🔘 Apply to specific Types
Step 5) Hit ✅ Save
Populating a new Custom Tab
The steps here are the same as those for configuring Custom Groups/Custom Fields in the standard Data tab
Open your new custom tab as below:
Here you should add in the Custom Group/s:
Step 1) Hit ➕Add Custom Group
Step 2) Set the group Title (& any other values like the description/collapsed options)
Step 3) Hit ✅ Save
Within this Group, you can now add Custom Fields:
Step 1) Hit ➕Add New Custom Field
Step 2) Populate the field Label & Type
Step 3) Hit ✅ Save
Moving existing Data between tabs
Step 1) Once you have created a custom tab, navigate to the Data Group you wish to move to this tab
Step 2) Hover over the edit menu
Step 3) Hit Move
Step 4) Select the name of your Custom Tab from the "Move To" list & ✅ Save
💡 The below movements are possible for Custom Data Groups:
No Custom Tab (the "Core Data" Tab) ➡️ Move to ➡️ Custom Tab
Custom Tab ➡️ Move to ➡️ A different Custom Tab
Custom Tab ➡️ Move to ➡️ No Custom Tab
Editing Custom Tabs
Edit Option 1: Amend "Title" or "Types"
Step 1) Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data > Custom Tabs
Step 2) Alongside your custom tab, hover over the menu & hit Edit
Step 3) Make your Amendments to the tab then hit ✅ Save
Edit Option 2: Amend Order
Step 1) Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data > Custom Tabs
Step 2) Hit the Up or Down
arrows to change the order in which your tabs will appear in your Vendor/Contract records
Once created, you cannot change the below Custom Tab settings
Allocated to: [Contract/Vendor]
Editable locations: Editable via [Repository / Workflows / API]
Deleting Custom Tabs
Step 1) Head to Settings > Configuration > Custom Data > Custom Tabs
Step 2) Alongside your custom tab, hover over the menu & hit Delete
NB. You cannot delete a Custom Tab if it contains any Custom Data Groups
(And you cannot delete Custom Groups if they contain Custom Fields)
Ensure you delete or move these groups first, otherwise the option to delete will not be displayed
See 📖 Deleting Custom Fields for more guidance
Populating Data in Custom Tabs ➡️
If a Custom Tab is marked as editable in the repository, you will be able to edit it via records in a separate tab like below:
If a Custom Tab is not marked as Editable in the Repository:
You will not see it while editing individual records
You will be able to include it in a bulk-import csv file however any data you try to import will be ignored with the below warning:
Once configured, populating & editing fields in Custom Tabs works exactly the same for all of the below areas:
Repository - Bulk Import
See below articles for more guidance
See 📖 Configuring the Gatekeeper API for more guidance
Workflow Form & Actions
See 📖 Setting up a Workflow Form for more guidance
Q: Will moving a custom group to a new Custom Tab affect workflow/bulk import names/path?
A: For Workflow Forms, no. Setting these up will be the same, with or without Custom Tabs
For Bulk Imports, yes. The name of the column in CSV files will need to be formatted as follows:
[Custom Tab Name] / [Custom Group Name] / [Field Name]
Q: Can these tabs be the default landing page for Vendors?
A: No, currently the Data tab will be the default landing page when opening a Vendor record
(Or - if you assess Vendor Performance in the Scorecards module - a scorecard performance dashboard will be the base Vendor tab)
However, the tabs do contain dedicated URLs, therefore if your users wish to bookmark/share link to dedicated metadata sections, they can do so by taking the specific link to vendor tabs
e.g. Rather than sharing/bookmarking:[your-gk-id]/suppliers/[vendor-id]/core_data
...they can use:[your-gk-id]/suppliers/[vendor-id]/custom_tabs/1
Q: What if I move a group into a tab with different Editable Locations/Specific Types settings?
A: Groups will lose their settings and fall in line with the setting of the Custom Tab
i.e. All Custom Groups & Fields will take on the Editable Locations settings of the Custom Tab they are added to
Custom Group ABC is set to Editable in Repository/Workflow/API
Custom Tab XYZ is only Editable in Workflows
You move Custom Group ABC group to Custom Tab XYZ
➡️ Custom Group ABC will have Repository & API removed from its Editable Locations